296+ beautiful, meaningful Chinese names for men and women

The Chinese naming style always contains many meanings about sending wishes to children in the future. So many parents tend to choose Sino-Vietnamese words to name their children. If you are still considering a good Chinese name for girls or boys, let’s refer to the following article for the best choice.

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Important note when giving a Chinese name for men and women

Meaningful Chinese names for men and women need to meet the following criteria:

  • Always translate the meaning of characters to help understand the meaning of that Chinese name.
  • The name must have meaning, conveying the expectations and desires of the parents.
  • Avoid choosing names that are too long (over 4 words or syllables).
  • The name includes the middle name and the first name.
  • Chinese names have to sound pleasant when read.



A complication of meaningful Chinese names for girls

When giving birth to a daughter, most parents expect their child to be beautiful and happy in the future. In Vietnam, the four virtues, including housekeeping skills, beauty, appropriate speech, and moral conduct, are often put on top. Therefore, meaningful Chinese names for women are often based on the old concepts of women. Here are the meaningful Chinese names for women you should refer to:

Vietnamese name Transcription Chinese Meaning
Ánh Nguyệt yìng Yyuè 映月 Light from the moon
Bạch Ngọc bái yù 白玉 White jewel
Bảo Ngọc bǎo yù 宝玉 Beautiful jewel that is hard to get
Bạch Dương Bái Yáng 白 羊 Innocent immature white sheep
Châu Anh zhū yīng 珠瑛 Clear as a jewel
Di Giai yí jiā 怡佳 Liberal, beautiful, composed, cheerful
Diễm Tinh yàn jīng   Genuine, pure, and splendid.
Diễm An yàn an 艳安 Beautiful, magnificent, peaceful and without hardships.
Diễm Lâm yàn lín 艳琳 Implies a beautiful jewel
Giác Ngọc jué yù 珏玉 A stunning jewel
Giai Ý jiā yì 佳懿 Beautiful, virtuous, pure beauty, gentle
Giai Kỳ jiā qí 佳琦 Pure, noble as a jewel
Giai Tuệ Jiā Huì 佳 慧 Brilliant, outstandingly smart.
Hải Quỳnh hǎi qióng 海琼 A kind of beautiful jewel
Hải Nguyệt hǎi yuè 海月 The moon shines on the sea
Hân Nghiên xīn yán 欣妍 Beautiful, cheerful
Hâm Dao Xīn Yáo 歆瑶 The jewel is desired by many.
Hoài Diễm huái yàn 怀艳 Pure beauty reminiscent of nostalgia feelings
Hiểu Tâm Xiǎo Xīn 晓 心 Affectionate, empathetic, easy to sympathize with others
Hồ Điệp Hú Dié 蝴 蝶 Butterfly Lake
Hi Văn xī wén 熙雯 Beautiful clouds
Kha Nguyệt kē yuè 珂玥 Jade
Kiều Nga jiāo é 娇娥 Gorgeous beauty, more glamorous than anyone
Linh Châu líng zū 玲珠 Shimmering jewel
Mẫn Hoa mǐn huā 敏花 Peaceful
Mộng Dao méng yáo 梦瑶 The jewel of dreams
Mỹ Lâm měi lín 美琳 Honest, energetic, beautiful
Mỹ Liên měi lián 美莲 As beautiful as a lotus
Mỹ Ngọc měi yù 美玉 Perfectly beautiful jewel
Ngôn Diễm yán yàn 言艳 Dignified, meek
Ngọc Trân yù zhēn 玉珍 Precious like pearls
Nhã Lâm yǎ lín 雅琳 Beautiful, refined pearl
Nhã Tịnh yǎ jìng 雅静 Graceful and calm
Nguyệt Thảo Yuè Cǎo 月 草 The moonlight shines on the prairie
Như Tuyết rú xuě 茹雪 Beautiful, pure and honest like snow
Phương Hoa fāng huā 芳华 Beautiful, brilliant
Thư Nhiễm shū rǎn 珺瑶 Cute, soft
Tố Ngọc sù yù 素玉 White, clean and pure without dust
Tịnh Hương jìng xiāng 舒苒 Calm, graceful, beautiful
Tiểu Ngọc xiǎo yù 小玉 Little jewel
Tịnh Kỳ jìng qí 静琪 Calm, meek
Tịnh Thi jìng shī 婧诗 The talented girl
Tú Ảnh xiù yǐng 秀影 Elegant, gorgeous
Tuyết Lệ xuě lì 雪丽 As beautiful as snow
Tuyết Nhàn xuě xián 雪娴 Courteous, gentle, kind
Thanh Nhã qīng yǎ 清雅 Courteous, ethereal
Thi Hàm shī hán 诗涵 Literary talent
Thi Nhân shī yīn 诗茵 Graceful, romantic
Thi Tịnh shī jìng 诗婧 As beautiful as a painting, poetry.
Thư Di shū yí 书怡 Tender, gentle, beloved of all
Thục Tâm Shū Xīn 淑 心 A meek, gentle, dignified, virtuous girl
Tú Linh Xiù Líng 秀 零 Freshness, goodness, peace in life
Uyển Như wǎn rú 婉如 Skillful, soft, flexible
Uyển Ngưng wǎn níng 婉凝 A girl with gentle, ethereal beauty
Uyển Đồng Wǎn Tóng 婉 瞳 People with beautiful eyes, profound feelings, graceful and lissom
Viên Hân yuàn xīn 媛欣 A beautiful girl has a happy, carefree life
Vũ Gia yǔ jiā 雨嘉 Innocent, outstanding
Y Na yī nà 依娜 Beautiful elegance


Meaningful Chinese names for men or boys

Parents always wish that their son will later become a strong man with temperament and achievement when giving him a name. You can refer to such meaningful Chinese names for men as Chí Tâm, Thành Đạt, An Tường, Anh Kiệt, etc.

Vietnamese name Transcription Chinese character Chinese name meaning
Ảnh Quân Yǐng Jūn 影君 A person who has the appearance and aura of a monarch
An Tường an xiáng 安翔 A person who has a peaceful life.
Anh Kiệt yīng jié 英杰 Excellent – exceptional
Bách An bǎi ān 柏安 Strong, reliable, peaceful
Bách Điền Bǎi Tián 百 田 Rich, prosperous, possess enormous wealth
Bảo Đăng bǎo dēng 宝灯 The shining light like a lighthouse
Bác Văn bó wén 博文 Highly educated, highly knowledgeable, talented
Chấn Kiệt zhèn jié 震杰 Prominent figure
Cảnh Bình jǐng píng 景平 Quiet and peaceful
Cao Tuấn gāo jùn 高俊 Superior, distinguished
Cao Lãng gāo lǎng 高朗 People with a generous, free-spirited temperament
Chí Tinh zhì xīng 志星 Talented and potential people
Cảnh Nghi Jǐng Yí 景 仪 As dazzling as the sun
Dương Kỳ yángqí 洋琪 A kind of beautiful jewel
Đông Quân Dōng Jūn 冬 君 The master of the winter
Giai Thụy kǎi ruì 楷瑞 People who live in luck, happiness, prosperity
Gia Tường jiā xiáng 嘉祥 Good luck, good fortune, good omen
Hạo Hiên hào xuān 皓轩 Great, brilliant
Hào Kiện háo jiàn 豪健 Mettle, strong
Hiểu Phong xiǎo fēng 晓峰 High dignity like a mountain
Hiểu Minh xiǎo míng 晓明 The light is as beautiful as the moon
Hùng Cường xióng qiáng 雄强 Strong, healthy
Quân Hạo Jūn Hào 君昊 Generous, tolerant, energetic
Quân Thụy jūn ruì 君瑞 Like the King
Quang Vân guāng yún 光云 Peaceful light
Quang Viễn guāng yuǎn 光远 A visionary person
Đức Hải dé hǎi 德海 A person who has great virtue like the sea
Đức Hậu dé hòu 德厚 Goodness
Đức Huy dé huī 德辉 An immensely virtuous, generous person
Kiến Công jiàn gōng 建功 A person with a great career
Kỳ Sơn qí shān 奇山 High mountain
Khải Trạch kǎi zé 凯泽 Fun and harmony
Khải Gia kǎi jiā 凯嘉 Good omen, success, triumph
Khải Lâm qǐ lín 启霖 People with a peaceful and smooth life
Kiến Minh jiàn míng 见明 Shining, cheerful people
Lập Thành lì chéng 立诚 Honest, sincere
Lâm Phong lín fēng 林风 Free-spirited as the wind
Lạc Vĩ lè wěi 乐伟 Happy, optimistic people
Lương Bình liáng píng 良平 Peace, calmness, honesty
Minh Thành míng chéng 明诚 Wise, sincere, honest and kind.
Minh Viễn míng yuǎn 明远 A person who has deep and thorough thoughts
Minh Triết míng zhé 明哲 Visionary, intelligent, rational
Nhật Tâm Rì Xīn 日 心 A person with a soul shining like the sun
Nguyên Khải yuán kǎi 元凯 Victory like a triumph song
Vĩ Thành wěi chéng 伟诚 Greatness, sincerity
Sơn Lâm Shān Lín 山 林 Immense mountains and forests
Tân Vinh xīn róng 新荣 New prosperity
Tuấn Hào jùn háo 俊豪 A person with brilliant wisdom, talent, and capability
Tuấn Triết jùn zhé 俊哲 An outstandingly wise and smart person.
Tuấn Lãng jùn lǎng 俊朗 A handsome and clean-cut person
Tu Kiệt xiū jié 修杰 Tall, talented, outstanding people
Thanh Nguyên qīng yuán 清源 A clean stream
Thiệu Huy shào huī 绍辉 Who has a glorious, brilliant future
Trường Châu cháng zhōu 长洲 Islet, long and wide wharf
Tiêu Chiến Xiào zhàn 肖 战 Fight to the end
Thiên Kỳ Tiān Qí 天琦 The sky is as precious as a jewel
Tín Khang Xìn Khang 信康 Have faith, credibility
Thuận An shùn ān 顺安 Smoothly, peacefully, safely
Vĩ Kỳ wěi qí 伟祺 Great, lucky, auspicious
Vĩnh Lâm yǒng lín 永林 The eternal forest
Vĩnh An yǒng ān 永安 Forever peacefulness, serenity
Vĩnh Gia yǒng jiā 永嘉 Good things

Beautiful, meaningful Chinese surnames for men and women

Chinese surnames are very diverse, with about 12,000 surnames. Below is a list of the best and most popular Chinese surnames. Among them are some Vietnamese surnames such as Nguyễn, Đỗ, Huỳnh, Lê, Hứa, etc.

Surname Chinese Transcription
Âu Dương 欧阳 Ōu yáng
Ân yīn
An ān
Bùi péi
Bối bèi
Bình píng
Bao bào
Bành péng
Bách bǎi
Bạch bái
Biên biān
Chúc zhù
Chu zhū
Cao gāo
Châu zhōu
Chữ (Trữ) chǔ
Chương zhāng
Diêu yáo
Doãn yǐn
Dương yáng
Đinh dīng
Đằng téng
Đường táng
Đông Phương 东方 Dōngfāng
Đoàn duàn
Đào táo
Đổng dǒng
Đồng tóng
Đậu dòu
Đặng dèng
Giang jiāng
Hách hǎo
Hoa huā
Hạng xiàng
Hoa huà
Huỳnh, Hoàng huáng
Hùng xióng
Hàn hán
Khang kāng
Khổng kǒng
Khương jiāng
Kim jīn
La luó
Lam lán
Lâm lín
Lương liáng
Lôi léi
Liễu liǔ
Lưu liú
Liêm lián
Mao máo
Mai méi
Miêu miáo
Mạnh mèng
Nguyễn ruǎn
Nghiêm yán
Nguyên yuán
Nhậm rèn
Nhạc yuè
Ngụy wèi
Ông fēng
Phùng féng
Phượng fèng
Phương fāng
Phạm fàn
Phong fēng
Phan fān
Phí fèi
Quách guō
Sầm cén
Sử shǐ
Trịnh zhèng
Thái cài
Thủy shuǐ
Tiền qián
Thạch shí
Tưởng jiǎng
Tạ xiè
Trương zhāng
Tăng céng
Tống sòng
Thư shū
Thường cháng
Thẩm shén
Thang tāng
Tào cáo
Trần chén
Triệu zhào
Tiết xuē
Trâu zōu
Thi shì
Tôn sūn
Tần sín
Vân yún
Văn wén
Vưu yóu
Viên yuán
Vệ wèi
Vi wéi
Vương wáng
Xương chāng

Meaningful Chinese names for men and women by the five elements

Many readers are interested in the element of feng shui, particularly the naming after the five elements, with the hope that their children will have a peaceful, happy, and prosperous life in the future. So you can refer to some meaningful Chinese names according to the five elements for men and women as follows:


Chinese names suitable for the metal element

Chinese names suitable for the metal element are often linked with people with leadership qualities, strength, and agility.

Vietnamese Chinese Transcription
Chung Zhōng
Doãn Yǐn
Đoan Duān
Hân Xīn
Hiến Xián
Hữu You
Kính 眼镜 Yǎnjìng
Kiến 蚂蚁 Mǎyǐ
Khanh qīng
Mỹ Měi
Ngân Yín
Nguyên Yuán
Nhi Er
Nghĩa 手段 Shǒuduàn
Phong Fēng
Phượng Fèng
Tâm xīn
Thắng Shèng
Thế Shì
Trang Zhuāng
Tiền Qián
Vi Wéi
Vân Yún
Xuyến Chuàn

Meaningful Chinese names for men and women with the Wood element

People who carry the wood element often have a strong temperament. Therefore, the meaningful Chinese names for men and women with the wood element also need to exude this temperament.

Vietnamese Chinese Transcription
Bách Bǎi
Bản Běn
Bính Bǐng
Bình Píng
Chi Zhī
Chu Zhū
Cung Gōng
Đào Táo
Đông Dōng
Hạnh Xíng
Huệ 色调 Sèdiào
Hương Xiāng
Khôi Kuì
Kiện 要起诉 Yào qǐsù
Lam Lán
Lâm Lín
Lan Lán
Liễu 柳 /蓼 liǔ / liǎo
Mai Méi
Nam Nán
Nguyễn ruǎn
Nhân Rén
Phương Fāng
Quan Guān
Quý guì
Quỳnh Qióng
Sâm Sēn
Sửu chǒu
Thảo Cǎo
Thư Shū
Tiêu Xiāo
Trà Chá
Trúc Zhú
Tùng Sōng
Xuân Chūn

Chinese names suitable for the Water element

Skillful, talented, and lovable are characteristics to express the meaningful Chinese name for men and women who has the Water element.

Vietnamese Chinese Transcription
An an
Băng Bīng
Biển hǎi
Bùi Péi
Cung Gōng
Cương Jiāng
Danh Míng
Đạo Dào
Đoàn Tuán
Đồng Tóng
Giang Jiāng
Giao Jiāo
Giáp Jiǎ
Hải Hǎi
Hàn Hán
Hậu hòu
Hiệp Xiá
Hoa Huā
Hoàn Huán
Hội Huì
Hưng Xìng
Khải 啓 (启)
Khanh qīng
Khánh Qìng
Khuê Guī
Khương qiāng
Kiện 要起诉 Yào qǐsù
Kiều Qiào
Loan Wān
Luân Lún
Nga 俄国 Éguó
Nhân Rén
Nhung róng
Phi Fēi
Quân Jūn
Quyết jué
Sáng Chuàng
Thương Cāng
Thủy Shuǐ
Tiên Xian
Tiến Jìn
Tín Xìn
Toàn Quán
Tôn sūn
Tráng Zhuàng
Trí Zhì
Triệu zhào
Trinh 貞 贞 Zhēn
Trọng zhòng
Tuyên Xuān
Uyên Yuān

Chinese names suitable for the fire element

The Fire-element people have the spirit of integrity, enthusiasm, and courage. Therefore, parents always choose good, unique Chinese names that help reveal these qualities.

Vietnamese Chinese Transcription
Ánh Yìng
Bính Bǐng
Bội Bèi
Cầm Jǐn
Cao Gāo
Đan Dān
Đăng Dēng
Dung Róng
Dương Yáng
Hạ Xià
Hiệp Xiá
Hoán Huàn
Hồng Hóng
Huân Xūn
Hùng Xióng
Huy Huī
Kim Jīn
Linh Líng
Lưu liú
Minh Míng
Nam Nán
Nhiên Rán
Quang Guāng
Sáng Chuàng
Thái Zhōu
Thanh Qīng
Thu Qiū
Trần Chén
Vi Wēi

Chinese names suitable for the Earth element

The meaningful Chinese names given to those with the Earth element are intended to show modesty, hard work, reason, humility, and affection.

Vietnamese Chinese Transcription
Anh Yīng
Bạch Bái
Bằng Féng
Bảo Bǎo
Châu Zhū
Côn Kūn
Công Gōng
Đặng Dèng
Điền Tián
Diệu Miào
Đinh Dīng
Giáp Jiǎ
Hoàng Huáng
Huân Xun
Khuê Guī
Kiên Jiān
Kiệt Jié
Long Lóng
Nghị (Yì
Nghiêm yán
Quân Jūn
Sơn Shān
Thạch shí
Thân Shēn
Thành Chéng
Thảo Cǎo
Thông Tōng
Trung Zhōng
Trường cháng
Vĩnh Yǒng

Translation of Vietnamese surmanes into Chinese

In addition to the beautiful Chinese names for women and men, you can refer to the translation of some common Vietnamese surnames such as Lê, Đoàn, Đặng, Huỳnh, etc. into Chinese.

Vietnamese surname Chinese Transcription
Bang Bāng
Bùi Péi
Cao Gāo
Châu Zhōu
Chiêm Zhàn
Chúc Zhù
Chung Zhōng
Đàm Tán
Đặng Dèng
Đinh Dīng
Đoàn Duàn
Đồng Tóng
Dương Yáng
Hàm Hán
Huỳnh Huáng
Khổng Kǒng
Kim Jīn
Lâm Lín
Liễu Liǔ
Linh Líng
Lương Liáng
Lưu Liú
Mai Méi
Mông Méng
Nghiêm Yán
Nguyễn Ruǎn
Nhan Yán
Nông Nóng
Phạm Fàn
Phan Fān
Quách Guō
Tạ Xiè
Tào Cáo
Thái Tài
Thân Shēn
Tôn Sūn
Tống Sòng
Trần Chen
Triệu Zhào
Trương Zhang
Trịnh Zhèng
Văn Wén
Vi Wēi
Vũ (Võ)
Vương Wáng

Here are some meaningful Chinese names for women and men that can help you when you want to name your child or translate your own name. May you soon choose the right name for yourself or your child to send the best wishes.

Frequently asked questions about meaningful Chinese names for women and men

What are the most common names for girls in China?

  • 王芳 【Wang Fang】
  • 王秀英 【Wang Xiu Ying】
  • 李秀英 【Li Xiu Ying】
  • 李娜 【Li Na】
  • 张秀英 【Zhang Xiu Ying】

How to choose a beautiful Chinese name for girls?

  • A name should be melodious. A name will create a sweet sound when read.
  • Avoid homonyms. Homonyms are words with the same sound or spelling but different meanings. A notice should be taken to avoid pairing two words together can create a complex meaning.

Any Chinese names that mean princess?

  • Roulan is a beautiful name for your little princess, which means someone who is “like a beautiful and rare orchid”.
  • Ru means the one who knows all or a “scholar” who will bring publicity and fame to the family.

What is the most interesting Chinese name?

The most interesting Chinese names for girls:

  • 若汐 (Ruòxī)
  • 一诺 (Yīnuò)
  • 艺涵 (Yìhán)
  • 依诺 (Yīnuò)

The most interesting Chinese names for men:

  • 沐宸 (Mùchén)
  • 浩宇 (Hàoyǔ)
  • 茗泽 (Míngzé)
  • 沐辰 (Mùchén)

Any Chinese names that mean luck?

  • 贝迪萨 【Bedisa】 Bèi dí sà
  • 达利亚 【Dalia】 Dá lì yǎ
  • 命运 【Destiny】 Mìngyùn
  • 伊万杰琳 【Evangeline】 Yī wàn jié lín
  • 福斯塔 【Fausta】 Fú sī tǎ
  • 法斯蒂娜 【Faustina】 Fǎ sī dì nà



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